Where are you located?
Ontime Express LLC is located in 10432 Balls Ford Road Manassas, VA, US 201090 (Get Location)
How do customers contact us?
Go to the “Contacts” shown below and leave your request. One of our representatives will contact you as soon as they receive your request.
Where do we have yards available?
Yards available in all the states of the continental USA and Ontime Express can provide warehouse services wherever the driver needs the cross docking.
How often company drivers get the home time and what schedule in a week?
Ontime Express LLC values its company drivers allowing them to take 3 days home time after their 2 weeks of OTR. Yet, for those who want to work extended hours, Ontime Express provides “Extended working schedule” bonus. For more information, please check “Driver Motivation Package”.
What are the lanes and customers you mostly work with?
As specialized carriers, we get the majority of our loads from Amazon: most of the goods are drop and hook throughout the states. For more information, please check “Services”.